New episode of the Vane Tempest Podcast with Matt Ridley on his book “Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19, written with Alina Chan.
Matt Ridley is an eminent science journalist. Writer of "The Red Queen"; "Genome"; "How Innovation Works"; "The Evolution of Everything"; "The Origin of Virtue"; "Nature via Nature" and his latest "Viral: The Search for the Origins of Covid-19". All are available on Amazon. His personal blog is here
This discussion touches on how the lab leak hypothesis is now an officially accepted explanation but how the mainstream media and academia are slow to admit it. The orthodoxy began with the excuse that they wanted to protect science, but they have done, and continue to do, the opposite. He also discusses the importance of "citizen journalists" and scientists such as #DRASTIC in uncovering the suppression of evidence supporting the lab leak hypothesis of COVID-19.
0:00 Theme
00:22 Deciding to write the book
01:40 British government refused to lock down for Omicron wave of C-19
00:02:59 Continuing suppression of lab leak hypothesis after it was officially accepted
05:12 Refusal for open debate
06:53 The Potemkin labs
09:38 the "popsicle" hypothesis
10:27 S.A.G.O. Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens
11:34 The Bat Cave (the copper mine) where the story of Covid-19 begins...
14:09 Wuhan virologists go to the copper mine to collect virus samples
14:41 2018 (one year before Covid-19) Wuhan begins sequencing the copper mine samples and also working on gain of function research
18:21 People in Wuhan were getting sick before ”patient zero” was identified.
19:27 ”There was something very odd about this virus from the start.”
21:30 Wuhan were doing gain of function experiments with viruses on ”humanised” mice and cultivated human lung cells
23:24 Claims that there was no gain of function experiments in Wuhan falsified
24:02 Western scientists are ”up to their ears in Chinese funding.” 00:24:23 Claims of racism
24:23 Claims of racism
26:27 ”Proximate origins” paper has still not been retracted by Nature Medicine Journal
28:08 Two hidden authors on paper including Anthony Fauci
30:05 ”Where is Retraction Watch”?
30:52 Damage done to trust in science broadly
33:44 China’s influence on the Labour government deciding not to enact speech legislation in UK universities
35:16 Bio defence vs bioweapons
00:36:48 Stated reason for the experiments to ”predict and prevent pandemics” in labs was known to be very dangerous
00:38:02 Up until 2019 the World Health Organisation were warning that a pandemic from a lab accident was a viable possibility
38:34 Other lab leaks
41:16 Suppression by Facebook and BBC
42:17 Is academia lost?
44:49 ”Heretics are what makes science work”
45:19 Free speech, internet sleuths, weaponised autism and DRASTIC heroes
49:11 The data from the Wuhan wet market shows no infected animals found.
00:50:25 Twitter
00:51:29 Hillary Clinton’s comments on controlling social media
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