Visceral poems by a working class man
First of a series of poems by a working class man. This poem is in the form of a letter to his father who has just been imprisoned for paedophilia.
Trigger warning: Sexual assault; extreme bad language; swearing; anger; descriptions of violence.
The poem is in the form of a letter to the author’s father after being imprisoned for the historical sexual assault of the author’s half-sisters. He later died in prison.
It is written in the author’s native accent and dialect which is commonly called “Geordie”.
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Media enquiries should be directed to Paula Wright porlawright[at]msn[dot]com.
“Surprised n’ gutted to hear about you Jus’ wanted to see you before it was through I didn't no what to think when you died But more shit came out about how much you lied I’m pissed off but trying not to make a fuss N’ never know why I got shot under the bus All I wanted was to really meet you Not to know why, or when or who I know now why just now you said you wouldn’t see me Cos’ you’d loads more fuckin lies for others to see You’ve defo thought it through you cunt Time on your hands suppose for your last stunt. You fuckin bastard, turn on people like me Al’ show you cunt just wait and see See you never raised me, I was raised by the best Was taught very early to get shit off my chest I don't know all the bullshit that you said But I won’t stop looking just now cos you are dead You escaped your justice for quite a while Convincing people you still weren’t a paedophile How they believed you over loads other rapers ‘Specially as though it was wrote in the papers But you turned it round. How’d you do that? Made us look like cunts. Ew fuck you yo twat I should be grieving for the father I’ve lost Instead, I’m going to expose you whatever the cost My turn you cunt so lets fuckin’ see Ha, fuck you now. Can’t say nowt bout me N’ fuck all ‘bout anyone ever again My job is now is to prove all the shit you were sayin’ N’ somehow in death you make me look insane Al’ dig up your arse and kill you again Before I start I’ll have a quick laugh Cos you’re not on your buggy on your way to the caff No fuckin’ Houdini doing his last trick Bet you never thought where you were going you dick If you did your head’s rotten, bet you are sick Can’t lie down there n’ fuck all to nick You did one thing good, at least one thing I know Finally, years later let me meet my bro And because I couldn’t say what you wanted me to say That’s when you tried to take that away And try you did through one way or another Here dead or alive you won’t take my brother See, the main thing that you learned us what’s sad Is how to be a better dad Dad, you didn’t see the bar too high But if I was half as bad as you I’d die I met a woman who has a kids aswell N’ I could never do what you did to mesel TBC”