Invitation to join the Darwinian Gender Studies salon
DGS: Critical Thinking not Critical Theory
I created the Facebook DGS online salon in 2007 to explore and explicate the different selection pressures both men and women have faced in our evolutionary history, and given rise to sex differences and similarities.
Evolution isn't fair but that's neither men's or women's fault.
Though it may be gratifying to apportion blame, being over-emotional, reactionary, and resentful of one sex or the other does little to understand, never mind solve, the dilemmas humans face. I also foresaw the coming culture war and that feminism, gender studies, and identity politics would be central to that issue.
We have many notable academics who are members and have also passed through. I have kept the group small to maintain the quality of debate.
I encourage new members to use the search function to access the rich archive of discussion.
Ad hominem attacks are strictly forbidden.
Click this link to access the group: DGS
The thesis of DGS is explained in the following essay